Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A Letter From Kay

My Dear Earl,

Two years have passed since your untimely death. I started thinking about all the things that have happened in the last two years. Our 9th grandchild, Baron was born. He was the first of your grandchildren you did not help bless. Emily was baptized. I knew as I spoke at her baptism you were there. Our first grandchild, Zac received the priesthood. Our Sam returned home from serving an honorable mission in Mexico. You were so proud of him. Returning home without you here has been hard for him. He is doing great in school and spends a lot of time snowboarding. Our sweet Lauren has been so wonderful. She reminds me often of the time you came to her after your death and told her you were in a better place and that she, I and Sam would be ok. She says that "Dad would be proud of us because we are doing good." You were her best friend. Sometimes when I wake her up in the morning she has the picture of you and her in bed with her. She asked me the other day, "Do you think that people would think I am weird because sometimes I talk to Dad?" She misses all the movies and time you spent together. She especially misses all the times you made her laugh with your corny jokes. I told her I am sorry, I am just not a funny person. You were always so proud of Allyson, Farrah, and Kristy and the great mothers they were. We talked a lot about that there was no greater joy as a parent than seeing your children be good parents and raising wonderful kids. I marvel at what good husbands they have and the parents that they are. Allyson and Steve finished their house you watched the progress of daily as it was being built. They entertain family and friends often as was a tradition we had in our home. They have been so good to Lauren and me. Farrah and Bart are doing great. Farrah's business continues to grow. Our precious Gabe had a terrible accident this past year. He fell backwards out of a third story window. When we arrived at the hospital his first words to me were a whisper "Papa protected me." I know you had a hand in his miracle. I am so grateful for that. Kristy and Scott are in Moscow Russia. Scott loves his job at the Embassy and the family is adjusting to living in a new country and loving it. All of our sweet grandchildren are growing up. I have watched them grow and change over the past two years and I am only sad you are not here to see it. Little Addy told me last week, " I have two friends in heaven. One is Jesus. He is my brother and one is Papa. He is my papa." These grandchildren talk of you always and love you. It has been so hard for all of us without you. Your mother has visited us twice this year. She is so Lonely without your daily emails and phone calls. It is always hard when a mother has to see one of her children die. I am grateful she was here to spend your last days with you. You would be proud of us all for the way we have carried on since your death. The time when I was so overcome with grief on the first fathers day after you death and felt like I just could not go on I took a drive in the beautiful mountains you loved. I heard your voice say to me that I had to go on for our children and grandchildren. That you were not here for them so I had to live for both of us. You told me I was stronger than I thought I was. You were right. I am stronger than I thought I was at that time. I have gone on for both of us. Through good times and bad I am there for our family. You would be so proud of all of us and in fact I am sure you are. I am sure you do watch over us. The Lord continues to bless our family enormously. I am so grateful for his bounteous blessings. I am so grateful for the many years that you and I had together. I am so grateful for the family that we raised together and the many others we took into our home over the years. I am so grateful that we all loved and laughed and shared and played and worked together. We had it all. I am grateful for the temple marriage that seals us for eternity. I know my sweet Earl that shortly we will all be reunited for eternity. I live with that peace. You are missed and loved by so many.


A Montage

Two years seems like such a long time to go without seeing someone. But in other ways, it is hard to believe that two years have gone by.

It took me a long time to decided what songs to use with this video. I knew my dad would have hated some sappy "We miss you" or "We love you" song. The second song came to me pretty fast, but I just couldn't find a song that fit right for the first song. I even sought an expert opinion from Brian Honea, because if anyone knew what kind of music my dad liked, it was him. He gave me some good suggestions, but they still didn't fit right. I knew when I found it, it would just fit and I would know it. After hours of searching it hit me. The song that instantly transports me to my childhood and places me smack dab in the middle of Quadrangle street on a Saturday morning, in a red brick house with all the windows open and this song blasting on the stero.

Dad, you touched the lives of so many. We miss you.

A Medal

My mom received this in the mail last week.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

A Thank You

Mar. 17, 2009

Dear Donor Family,

I am writing to express my sympathy in the death of your family member and to thank you for the very special gift of tendon tissue that they donated. I will always be grateful for having the opportunity to receive donated tissue which is making my healing and recovery so much easier.

I needed the tissue transplant because I tore the ACL in my right knee while skiing last month and the doctor explained that it was too damaged to heal itself and that if I wanted to ski and run mountain trails again, I would need to completely replace it.

Of course I'm still recovering from the surgery at this time, but I can report that I see progress every day and the doctor and PT's say I will have full use of my new ACL, with my own blood running through it by Sept. of this year!

Thank you again for honoring the wishes of your family member or making a donation decision at a very difficult time. You and your family member will remain in my thoughts with appreciation for your generosity and kindness.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A Memorial

The Gus Top Ten

Brian Honea, who has been a friend of our family for a long time, came from Texas last month for a visit. Brian worked for many years with my dad. While he was here he shared many funny stories with us about my dad. We started talking to him about a shirt he made for my dad years ago. Brian nicknamed my dad "Gus". The shirt had my dad's company name on the front and "The Gus Top Ten" on the back. The shirt meant a lot to my dad and he kept it all these years. We just came across it not long ago when we were going through my dad's things. I took a video of Brian reading the top ten and giving his explanation of what they meant. If you knew my dad very well, you will enjoy hearing the top ten.

All the Gus's except for Gus........

Sunday, February 17, 2008

A Picture

At the time of his passing my father was serving as the Young Men president in his ward. This picture was taken at a Young Men activity where my father was watching the boys rappel. The young men recently presented my mother and Lauren with this picture signed by each of them.

A Letter

Mrs. Kay Snow,

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your thoughtfulness of others at the time of your husband's death. I know this is a difficult time for you and all those who knew and loved him.

The decision to consent for eye donation takes a great deal of courage. It may give you comfort to know that because of his amazing gift, a man age 53 and a woman age 60 have been forever changed with the gift of sight. Both were blind prior to Earl's gift and both will be forever grateful to a caring stranger and his loving family.

On behalf of the Utah Lions Eye Bank, we sincerely thank your family for your support of donation.

Funeral Program

Click on image for a better view.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Post-Funeral Dinner

These pictures were taken at the dinner following the funeral services on Wednesday, January 23, 2008.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Your Tributes

We are deeply saddened by the sudden loss of our father, Earl Snow. Yet, we feel blessed to have had him in our lives and cherish all the sweet memories he gave us.

The outpouring of love and support from those who knew him has been a great source of strength and comfort to our family. He was loved by all and his life will be remembered by many.

We know so many of you have been touched by him in some way. This blog has been set up to share memories of his life. We would love to hear your stories, memories, or thoughts. Please feel free to leave a comment, or send an email or pictures to fbmaldonado@gmail.com.

Pictures Of Earl